S'Will Auditions!
Everyone's favorite drunken Shakespeare romp is back! This year The Fools have decided to take it back to the '90s to tell the totally radical tale of the emo dane of Denmark.We are seeking actors of any race, gender, or ethnicity. We are seeking performers with strong Shakespeare skills and improv experience (though not required!)
Audition Submission Deadline: Monday, January 20th at Midnight
Everyone's favorite drunken Shakespeare romp is back! This year The Fools have decided to take it back to the '90s to tell the totally radical tale of the emo dane of Denmark.We are seeking actors of any race, gender, or ethnicity. We are seeking performers with strong Shakespeare skills and improv experience (though not required!)
Audition Submission Deadline: Monday, January 20th at Midnight
*Please Note: You must be logged in to a G-Mail Account to access the Audition Form.